
Different Anti-sweatshop Strategy Wins Breakthrough

Says Scott Nova, WRC director: “It is a pilot project, not a comprehensive solution, to the challenges we face, but it is an exciting step forward.”

The project puts into practice key elements of the WRC’s innovative Designated Suppliers Program (DSP). Its aim is to enhance the enforcement of university codes of conduct, which as stand-alone documents have proven pretty much useless without the institutional and incentive framework to make them effective.

April 2010 “Sweatshop Workers Speak Out” Speaking Tour

There will also be a broader focus on public procurement which is the purchasing of goods by a government to be used in the public sector. This can include everything from fire fighter uniforms to school lunches. Governments in the US, whether it is a local, state or federal branch, can be some of the largest purchasers of manufactured goods. They need to buy uniforms and equipment for their offices, employees and schools. These purchases are usually very large and therefore the purchases are an opportunity to encourage the use of strong labor standards as a prerequisite for any business that wants to sell products to the government.

A Killing Field in the Philippines

The area now known as Subic Freeport Zone, within the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), remains much as it was before its conversion from a US naval base– a playground for the fluctuating-depending-on-the-number-of-troops-in-town population of 3,000 who get to enjoy duty-free department stores, mega strip clubs, and American-style burger shacks and schools, all just a Japanese-sponsored superhighway from Manila. Nothing much has changed either for its 200,000 neighbors in the adjacent city of Olongapo. Hidden behind an unusually militarized gated entrance, Olongapo might go unnoticed by its Subic neighbors if not for its crucial supply of prostituted women and exploitable labor, many of the latter who work at Hanjin.

Food Processing Companies Need to Treat Workers Like Humans, Not Machines

Over the last few years I have been able to help workers receive a little justice for their injuries. The sad part of this is that not only do they get hurt, but some workers are fired not long after sustaining an injury. There was a time or two I attempted get workers their jobs back, but had no success.

I began to understand that the workers in this industry were merely seen as production tools by these companies. It’s not taken into account that they are humans who are working at high speed, doing the same repetitious work over and over again for eight to ten hours a day. The workers describe this as, “humans competing against machines.”

Is the BBC Fair to Fair Trade?

No certification program can offer a 100% guarantee that these labor rights abuses do not occur in certified facilities.  A critical component of a strong certification program is that a reliable system is in place to identify violations when they occur and that there is an appropriate process to remediate violations.  (For more information, please see ILRF's "Roadmap for Ethical Product Certification and Standard Setting Initiatives.")

Human Trafficking - International and National Implications

It’s not uncommon to get riled up when you realize that what you’re talking about isn’t some piece of meat but rather an actual person; someone’s daughter, mother or neighbor. This was all too obvious inside the Rayburn Home Office Building room that I found myself in. One extra hot topic: Vietnam. Tempers flared as the pressure was directed towards the State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons to move Vietnam’s 2009 tier ranking from Tier 2 to Tier 3 in the soon to be released 2010 Trafficking in Persons Report (Can’t wait? See the 2009 report here). U.S.

Oil palm worker's physical vulnerability

Additionally, it should be noted that companies exert great pressure on the Professional Risk Insurance (Aseguradora de Riesgos Profesionales -ARP), so that they do not recognize a score according to the real needs of worker’s injury or illness. At the same time, the ARP finds this convenient because such a certification means a great cost. Thus, they complicate the situation by losing the correspondence from the ARP, or by assigning an incorrect score or even attributing mistaken injuries and in most cases, declaring that the injury is part of a degenerative disease.

Global Advocacy Days 2010: Advocates From Across the Country Descend on Capitol Hill in an Effort to Re-Abolish the Slave Trade

Human Trafficking is defined as “the recruitment and transportation of persons within or across boundaries by force, fraud or deception for the purpose of exploiting them economically.”  (For a more in depth definition of the issue, check out Understanding Slavery and Trafficking).  As the definition implies, modern slavery knows no geographical or social boundaries.  It affects citizens of every country and people of every race and religion.  For many trafficking victims, it is the promise of a good job and education that induces them to leave their homes and families only to end up half way around the world trapped in someone’s basement to be farmed out as a domestic servant during the day or forced to work in

Prominent Environmental Lawyer speaks about Stop Firestone Campaign

While the current class action lawsuit against Firestone is still pending, the time has come to strengthen Liberia’s civil society. Brownell stated the implications of these cases are great – “when you take a company to court, you cause the country to believe in the spirit of the law.” One of the many challenges that exist is creating a trickle-down effect of information to the rubber plantation workers so that they have the educational tools to be empowered.


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