In the News

Report Links Illinois to Overseas ‘Sweatshops’

Chicago Public Radio WBEZ 91.5 FM

Excerpt from article:

A labor-and religious-backed group called SweatFree Communities interviewed workers in nine countries, including China and Honduras. They say factory conditions range from physical abuse to forced overtime. Illinois buys uniforms from at least three companies linked to the factories.

Victoria Kaplan of SweatFree Communities says Illinois ought to join with Pennsylvania, Maine and New York. They’re organizing to clean up the industry...


Prius Envy and the Greening of Wal-Mart: A Blind Spot for the Human Cost

Can it be that our green heroes Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt care about the cachet of owning a Prius but not about the abused workers making these feel-good cars?

A report from the National Labor Committee released earlier this month alleging abusive working conditions in Japanese Toyota Prius plants provides a much needed jolt to the environmental and business communities about the danger of viewing environmental concerns as separate from human concerns.

Elections “neither free nor fair” says Zimbabwe Trade Union Congress, as Attacks on Unionists Continue

ITUC Online

Brussels, 30 June 2008 (ITUC OnLine): The ITUC Zimbabwe affiliate ZCTU has declared the presidential run-off “neither free nor fair” and has deplored continuing violence and threats against trade unionists. Ruling party activists and security forces have orchestrated a national campaign of intimidation in order to ensure that Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party remains in power, with trade unionists amongst the principal victims of the attacks.

Financial Services Committee hears evidence for SEC rule change to level international playing field in oil, gas and mining

Publish What You Pay Coalition Press Release

For Immediate Release

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Contact: Allison Lenthall, 703-600-9324, allison [at]

Sarah Pray, 202-721-5623, spray [at]

Witnesses explain benefits of EITD Act for U.S. businesses, energy security and international human rights

陕西省成立劳动法诊所 提供免费法律服务




美国国际劳工权益基金会律师、劳动法诊所项目官员布朗表示,希望通过该项目在陕西的运作,让处于弱势的劳动者享受到法律代理服务,更好地保护他们的权益。 (记者 李艳 实习生 王菲)



6月22日胡玉鸿副院长代表我院与代表美国国际劳动者权利基金(International Labour Rights Forum简称ILRF)的Brian先生在苏州饭店正式签订“劳动法诊所教学项目”合同,我院劳动法诊所教学由美国国际劳动者权利基金(ILRF)提供资金支助。


