Justice for Workers? No Sweat

J is for Justice Washington Peace Center Newsletter

The “sweatfree” movement is growing all across the country, as consumers decide they want to take a stand against corporations that support factories where workers are not allowed to unionize and are working in unsafe conditions. An impressive number of people across the country have come together to demand that their municipalities and state legislatures adopt a sweat-free purchasing policy.

Last year, the International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) began the Sweatfree D.C. Schools campaign, which was designed to help students realize how consumerism plays a role in the global economy and affects workers’ rights abroad. The Sweatfree D.C. Schools Campaign consists of lessons designed to teach students about international labor conditions and the uniform supply chain. Ideally, students will work together to educate others and build community support for a sweatfree purchasing policy...

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