
The highs and lows of the 2017 TIP Report

Last week, the U.S. Department of State delivered its annual Trafficking in Persons report. Though the report is much anticipated each year by anti-trafficking advocates, this year drew extra attention as the first report released by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in the Trump administration, and in the wake of two straight years of allegations that political considerations had weighted some country rankings.

There is much in this report for which the State Department should be commended, in particular:

Remembering Mom in a Time of Resistance

Originally published in Huffington Post

This Mother’s Day, it is 50 weeks and three days that I am living without a mother, missing her every single day and so grateful for the drive and fight she instilled in me to demand an equal voice for myself and for all women. As the daughter of immigrants – a home-based seamstress and a coal miner who plied his trade as a stone mason on the weekends – my mother committed every waking moment to making our world better than she had it.

Global Campaign Launches in Support of Melon and Pineapple Workers in Central America

.Para una version en español, haga clic aquí.

On Monday, January 16th, the Irish multinational fruit company Fyffes sold its shares to a Japanese corporation called Sumitomo. The  751 million deal is expected to net CEO David McCann  87.5 million and remaining Fyffes executives  3 million in bonuses.

An Ocean Of Pink Hats: Sustaining The Momentum Of The March

Originally published on Huffington Post.

The passing of Mary Tyler Moore, the unwitting feminist icon of 1970s working women, is a poignant reminder that sustaining the momentum of the Women’s March will require something Mary captured so well — that special mix of humor and chutzpah, essential to expanding acceptance of new cultural norms. The pink hats that dotted the crowds were a good start on capturing that mix.

Just being immersed in a twenty-square block ocean of pink hats atop the heads of upbeat, determined women and their supporters buoyed my soul!

Trump’s Pro-Worker Rhetoric: Reality or Ruse?

Donald Trump campaigned on his opposition to free trade agreements, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but his rhetoric should not distract voters’ attention away from the ways in which he and many of his business and political allies have undermined workers’ rights.

ILRF Statement on Extension of Deadline in U.S.-Peru Labor Dispute

On December 17, 2016, the United States Department of Labor (USDOL) issued a public progress report reviewing the extent to which the Government of Peru has complied with the four key recommendations identified in USDOL’s Public Report issued in response to a complaint filed by seven Peruvian unions, Peru Equidad, and the International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) under the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA).

Prison for Freedom? Waiting for Andy Hall’s Verdict

Update as of September 26th, 2016:

The day after this blog was posted, Andy Hall was found guilty and sentenced to a three year suspended sentence and a fine of 150,000 Thai baht. You can take action to defend Andy and call for a change to the laws under which he was convicted by signing our petition here.


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